A unique Renassaince "ideal town" - architecture of Zamość in Poland | IN MY LENS

I always wanted to see the town of Zamość in Poland. I knew it already from my architecture history lectures as the city of Zamosc, a UNESCO site, is in terms of architecture totally unique. It was a vision of Jan Zamoyski, Polish aristocrat, come true. It has been designed from ground in 1580 by one architect, hired by Jan Zamoyski Bernardo Morando, and built according to his project as an "ideal city". Wondering its the streets you actually have impression of being in a city designed perfectly according to human needs and human scale.

To talk about Zamość and not see its plan is not possible, so take a glimpse at the plan:

Its plan resembles shape of a man with the Castle, the seat of Jan Zamoyski, as its head, Main Market Square with the Town Hall - the heart etc. Look at the fortifications around the city - these are modern fortifications - huge bastions made of brick and earth. They were extremely effective, as fortress Zamosc has never been beaten.

Its architecture unfortunately suffered when Poland was annexed to Russia (XVIII century) and all Polish-like element were deliberately destroyed. Some of them were rebuilt however when we got our independence back (123 years later). The city still impresses with its perfectly preserved urban grid and sensational fortifications that made it Zamosc was impregnable..

Synagogue, built by Morando in 1610-20. Look at the typical for Poland, beautiful attic.

Salt Market

Renaissance vault in Zamość cathedral

Ormian townhouses

The Townhall with a stunning staircase built in XVII century.

A court in the center of the city

The fortifications and the cathedral

The fortifications inside

See Zamosc from above:

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